Al Reem Group

Elite Capital Investment L.L.C

Elite Capital is the investment sector of Al Reem Group, and Elite is counts one of the UAE’s leading investment companies, as the company was established to be the investment sector of Al Reem Group, which creates investment opportunities locally, regionally and globally, Elite is today one of the outstanding companies in the field of investment in general and smart investment in particular, where it has acquired many unique projects and shares at the local and global level. Headquartered is based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Elite has succeeded in establishing itself in the UAE market, and enhanced their competitiveness through prescribed strategies, Elite focuses specifically on strategic partnerships and working with global partners to attract smart ideas and unique experiences to the local market and discover fertile areas for investment. It should be noted that Elite is a UAE company and one of the first accredited companies as developers in Abu Dhabi.
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